[python] Off-topic : Trolltech, Qt a licencovani
Jaroslav Pachola
j_p na centrum.cz
Středa Březen 3 12:06:09 CET 2004
> Ja treba pod Win pouzima na Jabber Psi, ktery jede na Qt a vidim u ne
> napsano:
> " As a special exception, Justin Karneges gives permission to link
> this program with the Qt Library (commercial or non-commercial edition),
> and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source
> code for the Qt library in the source distribution.
Mozna mi neco uniklo, ale tahle klausule je tam podle me kvuli tomu, aby bylo
mozne obejit GPL licenci na Windows. Nevidim tam nic, co by naznacovalo
nejakou vstricnost ze strany Trolltechu.
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