[python] web aplikacia, ako na to??

Martin Stofcik stofcik na intrak.sk
Čtvrtek Březen 11 15:53:17 CET 2004

Zdravim konferu,
Potrebujem na zadanie vytvorit klientsku aplikaciu(najlepsie nejaku
webovsku), ktora by vedela pracovat s databazou mySQL(ktora je na

Moja otazka znie: Ak to chcem naprogramovat v jazyku python, co by som
mal vyuzit? Prechadzal som si www.python.org ale tam je toho vela, a
neveim odkial zacat. 

Co by ste mi vy navrhli? Najradsej by som bol zeby to bolo nieco ako PHP

dakujem za kazdu radu
Martin "stOfo" Stofcik
------------- další část ---------------
###  %b+bot%b <bot> <address:botport#[/userport#]> [hostmask]
   Creates a user record for a new bot with the nickname given.
   The hostmask table will have one entry, either that specified,
   a host from a current user with the given nick, or "none",
   and the bot (b) flag will be set for the user.  The internet
   address field of the user will also be set to the address given.
   You can use this command and %b'chpass'%b to completely set up a
   record for a future bot, or you can let the two bots negotiate
   a password for themselves the first time they link.  If the bot
   has a separate port for bots and users they should be separated
   with a slash (/).
###  %b+host%b <hostmask>
   Allows you to add a host for yourself.
###  %b+host%b <nickname> <hostmask>
   Adds a hostmask to a user's record on the bot.  The hostmasks
   are where the bot will identify that user from.  Usually you
   will not need to use this command since a user can add hostmasks
   to her own record via the %b/MSG IDENT%b command, but it's here if
   you need it.
###  %b+ignore%b <hostmask> [%%<XdXhXm>] [comment]
   Adds a hostmask to the ignore list, with your nickname and optional
   comment and ignoretime. This command can be used to either ignore
   users on irc, or to ignore incoming telnet connections. Ignoretime
   has to be expressed in days, hours and/or minutes.
See also: -ignore, ignores
###  %b+user%b <nickname> <hostmask>
   Creates a new user record for the nickname given, with one entry
   in the hostmask table.  The new user record will have no flags
   (i.e. not be a master, op, friend, etc) and no password.
###  %b-bot%b <bot>
   Exactly the same as %b'-user'%b, but is included for convenience.
   It erases a user record.
See also: +bot, +user, -user
###  %b-host%b <hostmask>
   Allows you to remove a host for yourself.
###  %b-host%b <nickname> <hostmask>
   Removes a hostmask from another user's record on the bot.
See also:  +host
###  %b-ignore%b <hostmask OR number>
   Removes the ignore from the list of ignores stored on the bot --
   You may also reference the ignore by the number shown in '.ignores'.
See also: +ignore, ignores
###  %b-user%b <nickname>
   Erases the user record for the nickname given.
See also:  +user, +bot, -bot
###  %baddlog%b <text>
   Writes your comment into the bot's log file.  Bot masters can go
   back later and review the log, and will see your comment (with your
   handle attached).  This is useful for explaining confusing activity.
###  %baway%b [away-message]
   Marks you as "away" on the party line.  Your away message will
   show up in the %b'.who'%b list, and will be displayed to anyone who
   tries to send you a note.  Your notes will be stored, and then
   displayed to you as soon as you are no longer away.  Saying
   something on the party line will automatically remove your "away"
   status, or you can type %b'.back'%b or %b'.away'%b by itself.
###  %bback%b 
   This marks you un-away on the party line.
###  %bbanner%b <text>
   Displays a message to everyone currently using the bot's party line
   or file area -- useful for announcing that the bot will go down, etc.
###  %bbinds%b [type/match]
   Shows the Tcl bindings in effect, in a list similar to this:
      Command bindings:
        msg  -|-  rose                    0 msg_rose
        msg  -|-  go                      0 msg_go
        dcc  m|-  bind                    0 cmd_bind
        pub  -|-  gross                   0 pub_gross
   The fields should be self-explanatory, except for HITS, which
   records the number of times that binding has been called.
   If not, go read the file %b'tcl-commands.doc'%b for help on the
   Tcl bind command.  Note that the builtin commands are now shown.
   You may also specify a type of binding to show (i.e., 
   %b'.binds msg'%b) or you can specify a wild card match (i.e., 
   %b'.binds *seen*'%b) if you want to narrow the field a bit.
   The wild card matches will match against the TYPE, COMMAND and
   BINDING fields.
###  %bbinds%b [type] %ball%b
   Displays all the Tcl bindings of every type (or the specified 
   type), including the bindings for built in commands such as:
        msg  -    op                   *msg:op
###  %bboot%b <nickname> [reason]
###  %bboot%b <nick na bot> [reason]
   Will kick a user off the party line, and display the reason if you
   give one.  You can attempt to boot someone from another bot (in a
   botnet), though it may be rejected if that bot does not allow remote
   boots. You can not boot the bot's owner.
###  %bbotattr%b <nickname> [attributes] [channel]
   Lets you view and change the attributes (flags) field for a bot.
   Sets Fred1 +share and -hub.
      .botattr Fred1 +s-h

   Whether or not you change any flags, it will show you the bot's
   attributes afterwards.  
   To get a list of the flags possible, do %b'help whois'%b.
   %bNOTE:%b This command is NOT used to replace .chattr,
   it modifies botflags such as +s, +h, +a, +u... bot specific
   flags only.
   %bNOTE:%b You can't use this command on bots which are directly
   linked to your bot at the current moment.

See also: whois, chattr
###  %bbotinfo%b
   Requests information from every bot currently in the botnet.
   Each bot should eventually send you one line listing its version
   and other information.
###  %bbots%b
   Shows the list of bots currently in the botnet.  Example:
      Bots: cEvin, ruthie, Killa1
   There is no indication of which bots are directly connected to
   this one.  Use %b'who'%b %{+t}or %b'bottree'%b%{-} for that information.
###  %b[v]bottree%b
   Shows a tree-format diagram of the bots currently in the botnet.
   It's just a nice way to get a feel for how the bots are connected
   physically. if 2 bots are sharing, a + will be indicated, or a ?
   if nothing is known.
   Use vbottree if you want to know bot versions as well.
See also: bots, botinfo
###  %bchaddr %b<bot> <address:botport#/userport#>
   Changes the internet address for a bot.  This is the address
   your bot will try to telnet to in order to create a connection
   and link up.  If the bot has a separate port for bots and users
   they should be separated with a slash (/).
See also: link, +bot
###  %bchat off%b
###  %bchat <channel # or name>%b
   Changes your channel on the dcc chat connection.  when you first
   connect to the bot, it places you on channel 0 (the party line).
   You can move to another channel where basically nobody can see
   you (except anyone else who decides to join that channel).  Valid
   channel numbers are 1 through 99999.  

   Some channels may have assigned names if the assoc module is 
   loaded.  For those, you can specify the channel by name instead
   of number if you wish.

   %b'chat off'%b removes you from any channel at all.  You can still
   use normal bot commands and see the console, but you can't talk
   to anyone except via %b'.note'%b

   %b'chat on'%b returns you to the party line (channel 0) if you were

###  %bchat%b <*channel# or name>
   Same as above, but for channels available only to the bot you
   are on.
###  %bchattr%b <nickname> [attributes] [channel]
   Lets you view and change the attributes (flags) field for a user.
   For example, to give Lamer the p and f flags:
      .chattr Lamer +pf
   Or to remove Denali from the global op list:
      .chattr Denali -o
   You may also do any combination of the above:
      .chattr Fred1 -m+xj-o

   You can also change the flags for Usagi on a specific channel by
   supplying the channel after the attributes:
      .chattr Usagi -m+dk-o #blah

   Changing global and channel specific flags within the same command
   line is now possible! Example:
      .chattr Bill f|o #lamer   (global +f, +o #lamer)

   Whether or not you change any flags, it will show you the user's
   attributes afterwards.  

   To get a list of the flags possible, do %b'help whois'%b.

   Only the owner may add or remove the 'n' (owner), 'm' (master)
   and 't' (botnet master) flags.
   It is pointless to -n a permanent owner.  You must remove the
   permanent owner in the config file.
   This command can no longer be used to change bot flags, they
   are a separated entity, changeable with the %b'.botattr'%b command.
See also: whois
###  %bchhandle%b <oldhandle> <newhandle>
   Changes the handle of a user record. For example, to
   change the handle of user 'gavroche' to 'jamie', you would
   type: 'chhandle gavroche jamie'
###  %bchnick%b
   Please note, that this command has been superceded by
   'chhandle'. If you still want to use 'chnick', load compat.tcl
   into your bot.
###  %bchpass%b <handle> [newpassword]
   Changes a user's password on the bot.  If you leave off the new
   password, the user effectively no longer has a password set.  A
   password is needed to get ops, join the party line, and other
   things (but only required if one is set).
   %bNOTE:%b In previous versions, setting a password to "nopass" would
     clear a user's password -- with encrypted passwords, this no
     longer works!
###  %bcomment%b <user> <comment...>
   Creates or changes the comment field for a user.  The comment field
   can only be seen via 'whois' or 'match'.  Non-masters cannot see the
   comment field.
###  %bconsole%b [channel] [modes]
   Changes your console level, so that you will see only those types
   of console messages that you want to.  Your current console channel
   is the channel (that the bot is on) which you can view from the
   party line, and which channel-specific commands (like 'say' and
   'op') take affect on.  valid levels are:
      m  display private msgs/ctcps to the bot
      p  display public talk and ctcps on the channel
      k  display kicks/bans/mode changes on the channel
      j  display joins/parts/nick changes/signoffs/etc on the channel
      b  display bot links/unlinks/userfile-sharing
      s  display server messages and connect/disconnects
      w  display msgs between IRCops (wallops)
   channel master only:
      c  display user commands (dcc and msg)
      o  display other bot notices [HIGHLY RECOMMENDED]
   master only:
      x  display file transfers and file-area commands
      d  display debug messages that only coders would care about
   owner only:
      r  display all raw text from the server (if enabled)
      v  display raw text SENT to the server (if enabled)
   -- There are also 8 user-defined console modes '1' through '8' --
   The mode can also be a modifier like '+p' or '-jk' or '+mp-b'.  If
   you omit the channel and modes, it will show your current console
   channel and setting.
###  %bconsole%b <user> [channel] [modes]
   Is used to set the console level of another user.  This can even
   be used on users who normally would not be able to set their own
   console mode.
###  %bdccstat%b
   displays a table-format list of all the "dcc" connections the bot
   is handling.  "dcc" means "direct client-to-client communication"
   and eggdrop expands this to cover every open socket.  so any type
   of network connection to the bot is considered a "dcc" connection.
   the headings of the table are:
      SOCK  the socket of this connection (always unique)
      ADDR  the IP-number of the host the connection is to, if
      PORT  the port number being used for communication
      NICK  the nickname of the user or bot, if it's a user or bot
      HOST  sometimes, the hostname corresponding to the IP address
      TYPE  the type of dcc connection (see below)

   the types of connection currently possible are as follows (but
   more are being added literally all the time):
      chat  user in dcc-chat command mode
      pass  user entering dcc chat (being asked for her password)
      send  raw data connection: user sending a file
      get   raw data connection: sending a file to a user
      getp  pending get (waiting for the user to acknowledge)
      lstn  telnet listening port (in place of a hostname, it will
              show the proc to call, or mask of acceptable nicks)
      t-in  incoming telnet user (being asked for his nickname)
      file  user in dcc-chat file area
      bot   bot linked in (aka botnet connection)
      bot*  pending bot link (waiting for acknowledgement)
      rela  user in relay connection to another bot
      >rly  bot being relay'd to (one for each "rela")
      conn  pending telnet connection (chat, relay, bot-link, etc)
      new   new user via telnet, entering a handle
      newp  new user via telnet, entering a password
   in addition, 'chat' and 'bot' have flags listed for each con-
   nection.  capital letters mean the flag is on, and lowercase
   letters mean the flag is off.  for 'chat', the flags are:
      C     in file area, but allowed to return to party line
      P     party line access only (no +o access)
      T     telnet connection (instead of dcc chat)
      E     echo is on
      P     paging is on
   for 'bot', the flags are:
      P     ping sent, waiting for reply
      U     user-file sharing is active
      C     this bot initiated the connection
      O     user-file offered, waiting for reply
      S     in the process of sending the user-file
      G     in the process of getting the user-file
      W     warned this bot to stop hubbing
      L     leafed bot (not allowed to hub)
      I     bot is currently in the 'linking' stage
      A     bot is being aggressively shared with
   for 'chat' users, the party-line channel is also listed.
###  %bdebug%b
   will display a dump of memory allocation, assuming the bot was
   compiled with DEBUG defined.  it's useless to anyone but program-
   mers hacking on the bot and trying to find memory leaks.
###  %becho%b <on/off>
   sets whether you want your messages echoed back to you.  if it's
   on, then when you say something on the party line, it will be
   displayed to you just like everyone else will see it.  if it's off,
   then that won't happen.
###  %bdie%b [reason]
   kills the bot.  the bot goes offline immediately, logging who gave
   the 'die' command.  you shouldn't have to use this too often.  if you
   specify a reason, it's logged, otherwise the reason is "authorized by

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