[python] raw_input() bug (bylo ... vyvoj Pythonu, jimavy pribeh)
Petr Prikryl
PrikrylP na skil.cz
Úterý Červenec 12 12:19:24 CEST 2005
> [...] Mě zase rozčiluje, že nejde
> raw_input s unicodem - už tu
> jednou bylo, od pepra, že hlásil bug:
> [ 1099364 ] raw_input() displays wrong unicode prompt
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1099364&group_id=5470&atid=105470
> ale ted jsem ho tam hledal a vůbec tam není. Taky nechápu,
> proč tam nejde vyhledávat podle ID.
Je to tam, ale je mezi uzavřenými (kliknutím na link
se tam dá dostat). Mezi tím došlo k určitému posunu,
ale nejsem s tím tak docela spokojený. Částečné řešení
lze nalézt u poslední poznámky by birkenfeld, tj. explicitně
Dá se to vyřešit centralizovaně například definicí vlastní funkce:
def my_input(s):
import sys
return raw_input(s.encode(sys.stdout.encoding))
Ale moc se mi to nelíbí, protože takhle by měla fungovat
raw_input() už "od narození".
Aby to celé nezapadlo, přidal jsem výzvu ke komentářům
níže zmíněného patch
Date: 2005-06-26 13:34
Sender: birkenfeld
Logged In: YES
Actually, your sys.stdout.encoding is set to something
different than cp1250, which is why the result of DOS type
looks the same as the one of print.
This is because print observes sys.stdout.encoding, while
sys.stdout.write uses the system default encoding, which is,
as you set it, cp1250 and is displayed wrong on the console.
Closing this bug, as it is currently expected behaviour (but
will perhaps change when patch #1214889 is accepted).
Date: 2005-06-27 22:56
Sender: prikryl
Logged In: YES
Should I understand it that there is no bug, but I do use it
incorrectly? I cannot agree that this is expected behaviour. (I
am not the only one who found this strange.)
Of course, the sys.stdout.encoding is different for a DOS
window (cp852) than the default encoding (cp1250). Windows
simply behaves this way when working with DOS window
(because of legacy DOS applications).
I do not complain on behaviour of sys.stdout.write() but on
behaviour of raw_input(). The output of raw_input() prompt
should be displayed the same way as the print diplays the
results to the user. The raw_input() is used for building user
interface. Its prompt should not be displayed differently in
windows that use different encoding (i.e. DOS console vs.
say IDLE console).
In other words, how should I use raw_input() to make it
working correctly?
Date: 2005-06-27 23:40
Sender: birkenfeld
Logged In: YES
You'll have to explicitly encode the unicode string using
As said, this behaviour will change if the patch mentioned
is accepted.
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