[python] python 2.6 released

Tomas Brabenec konference na brabenec.net
Pondělí Říjen 6 07:53:04 CEST 2008

Já teda nevim, ale mohlo by to byt preci takhle:

print(""" spam='%s' egs='%s' """ % (spam,egs))

Nebo se pletu ?


On 4.10.2008 21:03, RMiklos na pss.sk wrote:
> V Pythone 2.6 by mali byt uz k dispozicii funkcie print() a format()
> Ak uz to mate nainstalovane a mate s tym skusenosti, ako sa urobi v 
> buducnosti napriklad toto?:
> print " spam='%s' egs='%s'" % (spam, eggs)
> Ja som to pochopil podla http://docs.python.org/whatsnew/2.6.html tak, 
> ze sa to bude musiet zapisovat bud cez pozicne argumenty nejako takto
> print (" spam='{0}' egs='{1}'".format(spam, eggs))
> alebo, cez pomenovane argumenty asi takto
> print (" spam='{spam}' egs='{eggs}'".format(spam=spam, eggs=eggs))
> Vyzera to o dost zlozitejsie ako povodny zapis :-)
> -----python-bounces na py.cz wrote: -----
>     To: Konference PyCZ <python na py.cz>
>     From: Pavel Kosina <geon na post.cz>
>     Sent by: python-bounces na py.cz
>     Date: 02.10.2008 18:21
>     Subject: [python] python 2.6 released
>     Asi jdu s křížkem po funuse, protože všechny hlavní portály o tom již
>     informovali: Python 2.6 je vydán.
>     Python 2.6 je spíše takovou dočasnou přechodkou mezi 2.5 a 3.0,
>     jak píše
>     A.M. Kuchling:
>     The major theme of Python 2.6 is preparing the migration path to
>     Python
>     3.0, a major redesign of the language. Whenever possible, Python 2.6
>     incorporates new features and syntax from 3.0 while remaining
>     compatible
>     with existing code by not removing older features or syntax. When
>     it’s
>     not possible to do that, Python 2.6 tries to do what it can, adding
>     compatibility functions in a future_builtins
>     <http://docs.python.org/library/future_builtins.html> module and a
>     /-3/
>     <http://docs.python.org/using/cmdline.html#cmdoption-3> switch to
>     warn
>     about usages that will become unsupported in 3.0.
>     http://docs.python.org/whatsnew/2.6.html
>     http://www.python.org/download/
>     -- 
>     geon
>     Pavel Kosina
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