[python] odeslání e-mailu přes Lotus Notes

Mix mix na svobodnik.cz
Pátek Listopad 6 11:46:30 CET 2009

dobrý den,
prosím o radu potřebuji odesílat automaticky e-mail přes lotus a chtěl 
jsem k tomu použít modul simplemapi.py
který zavolám souborem odeslat.py
e-mail se sice vytvoří, vloží se tam přílohy, předmět a tělo, ale 
nezobrazí se tam e-mailové adresy a neodešle se.
prosím poradíte jak to udělat. nebo nějaké jiné řešení.
aby to fungovalo alespoň takto tak musí být lotus spuštěn, takže jestli 
by bylo možné to odesílat i bez spuštěného lotusu tak by to bylo úplně super

Pavel svobodník

import simplemapi
simplemapi.SendMail("xx na xx.cz","predmet","telo XXX","c:\\aa.txt")


import os
from ctypes import *

FLAGS = c_ulong
LHANDLE = c_ulong

# Return codes
# Recipient class

class STRUCT(Structure):
   _fields_ = [('voidptr', c_void_p)]
NULL = c_void_p(None)
#NULL=STRUCT( None ) # Create an instance with voidptr field NULL

class MapiRecipDesc(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('ulReserved', c_ulong),
               ('ulRecipClass', c_ulong),
               ('lpszName', c_char_p),
               ('lpszAddress', c_char_p),
               ('ulEIDSize', c_ulong),
               ('lpEntryID', c_void_p),
lpMapiRecipDesc = POINTER(MapiRecipDesc)

class MapiFileDesc(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('ulReserved', c_ulong),
               ('flFlags', c_ulong),
               ('nPosition', c_ulong),
               ('lpszPathName', c_char_p),
               ('lpszFileName', c_char_p),
               ('lpFileType', c_void_p),
lpMapiFileDesc = POINTER(MapiFileDesc)

class MapiMessage(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('ulReserved', c_ulong),
               ('lpszSubject', c_char_p),
               ('lpszNoteText', c_char_p),
               ('lpszMessageType', c_char_p),
               ('lpszDateReceived', c_char_p),
               ('lpszConversationID', c_char_p),
               ('flFlags', FLAGS),
               ('lpOriginator', lpMapiRecipDesc), # ignored?
               ('nRecipCount', c_ulong),
               ('lpRecips', lpMapiRecipDesc),
               ('nFileCount', c_ulong),
               ('lpFiles', lpMapiFileDesc),
lpMapiMessage = POINTER(MapiMessage)

MAPI = windll.mapi32

MAPISendMail.restype = c_ulong          # Error code
MAPISendMail.argtypes = (LHANDLE,       # lhSession
                        c_ulong,       # ulUIParam
                        lpMapiMessage, # lpMessage
                        FLAGS,         # lpFlags
                        c_ulong,       # ulReserved

def SendMail(recipient, subject, body, attachfiles):
    """Post an e-mail message using Simple MAPI
    Special thanks to Lenard Lindstrom!
    recipient - string: address to send to (multiple address sperated 
with a semicolin)
    subject - string: subject header
    body - string: message text
    attach - string: files to attach (multiple attachments sperated with 
a semicolin)
    Example usage
    import simplemapi
simplemapi.SendMail("to1address na server.com;to2address na server.com","My 
Subject","My message body","c:\attachment1.txt;c:\attchment2")
    # get list of file attachments
    attach = []
    AttachWork = attachfiles.split(';')
    #verify the attachment file exists
    for file in AttachWork:
        if os.path.exists(file):

    attach = map( os.path.abspath, attach )
    nFileCount = len(attach)
    if attach:
        MapiFileDesc_A = MapiFileDesc * len(attach)
        fda = MapiFileDesc_A()
        for fd, fa in zip(fda, attach):
            fd.ulReserved = 0
            fd.flFlags = 0
            fd.nPosition = -1
            fd.lpszPathName = fa
            fd.lpszFileName = None
            fd.lpFileType = None
        lpFiles = fda
       # No attachments
        lpFiles = cast(NULL, lpMapiFileDesc) # Make NULL

    # Get the number of recipients
    RecipWork = recipient.split(';')
    RecipCnt = len(RecipWork)
    print RecipWork
    print RecipCnt

    # Formulate the recipients
    MapiRecipDesc_A = MapiRecipDesc * len(RecipWork)
    rda = MapiRecipDesc_A()
    print rda
    print lpMapiRecipDesc
    print cast(NULL, lpMapiRecipDesc)
    for rd, ra in zip(rda, RecipWork):
        rd.ulReserved = 0
        rd.ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO
        rd.lpszName = None
        rd.lpszAddress = ra
        rd.ulEIDSize = 0
        rd.lpEntryID = None
    recip = rda

    # send the message  
    msg = MapiMessage(0, subject, body, None, None, None, 0,
                     cast(NULL, lpMapiRecipDesc), RecipCnt, recip,
                     nFileCount, lpFiles)   
    print msg

    rc = MAPISendMail(0, 0, byref(msg), 0, 0)
    if rc != SUCCESS_SUCCESS:
        raise WindowsError, "MAPI error %i" % rc

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