[python] Sound Level Meter
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Pátek Březen 31 13:32:08 CEST 2017
Sound Ear Pro is a wireless sound level meter, which is ideal for
monitoring the noise levels in entertainment venues, factories and
hospitals. This system consists of a number of noise meters connected
to a controller over a wireless link. Controller stores data without
getting connected to computers. It takes L Aeq and LC Peak every
second. Entire data can be transferred to computers using USB cable.
The storage capacity of this device is 6 days with five samplers
connected. Whenever a computer is connected to the controller the
current sound level (Leq) at each sound level meter can be displayed
in real-time. The sound levels are shown as a number (decibels) as
well as graphically.
For complete details and up-to-date information, please visit the web
site at:
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